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Junior Technician
103 Posts
Enlisted On: 20.11.2016

[LS] Rangers
13.09.2017, 15:39 

How exactly is seatswitching cheating? BF2 was never meant to be a reality simulator - there's project reality for that purpose.

If anything, seatswitchers suffer a disadvantage against helis with 2 players since their heli starts spinning is predictable manners when the seatswitcher goes gunner seat. I only know a few actual good seatswtichers who can consistently seatswitch, keep awareness, kill people, not crash into shit and be more useful than most of the team combined. Seatswitchers do their team a favor, assuming the seatswitcher is good and doesn't get rekt, cause it allows the team to have one extra player where it's needed, like on flags.

And yes I manually pres all the buttons to seatswitch - F2, right click, guide tv, F1 again, and F2, c + aim with mg for MG seatswitching. When you do it a gazillion times it becomes a habit and you don't even think about it.

There is literally no cheat that will make you an instant great heliplayer, although nametags are useful for awareness obviously. But nametaggers tend to suck as well. Aimbots in helis are basically useless and can only hit easy open targets.
454 Posts
Enlisted On: 15.03.2017

14.08.2017, 14:23 

It's all about training. I know many people they can this; without macro, cheats or similar.
With jets I still have some problems but with a lot of training everybody can do it.
326 Posts
Enlisted On: 17.05.2017

14.08.2017, 14:00  Homepage

If you want to shoot down a jet you have to spot him as he (or she) flys by, then keep the heli pointed at the jet and you can see on your hud if he comes round and flys back towards you.

SO if you want to shoot down a seatswitcher in a jet, dont go back for another try at the same height, come down from above or up from below or at least stay away from the heli for about 20 seconds so that you are no longer highlighted on his hud, if you managed to spot the heli when flying by you can see when you turn which way he (or she) is pointing and if he is following you or not.
714 Posts
Enlisted On: 26.04.2017

[LS] Rangers
14.08.2017, 11:41 

PineappleJ wrote:

  Dillmann wrote:
  Practice - and much more: enjoying choppers.
Dillman, cards on the table here - are you using the bog standard keys and pressing them individually or you got some key macro/recorder set up? I'm just keen to know if its me being grumpy git cos I cant do it - I'll admit to leaving servers in frustration as to what I see as impossible moves in the base game/config with no special keyboard/software.

I play on a Macbook, standard-usb-mouse, no special keys: F1, F2. Some people know how often I hit 'Esc' instead of these keys. Those will be my last words here, I'm sick of that "this is impossible", "your tv has a longer range", "seatscwitching = cheat" etc. Thought this shit died in BF2 (and especially here at LS) but .. well.
Given By: -dll-
Leading Aircraftman
11 Posts
Enlisted On: 22.07.2017

14.08.2017, 11:09 

Dillmann wrote:

  PineappleJ wrote:
  OK, from some of the stuff ive seen I refulse to believe that people are pressing F2, firing and clicking to aim,
  then pressing f1 and managing to hit a jet. Somethings not right - what am I missing?
Practice - and much more: enjoying choppers.

Dillman, cards on the table here - are you using the bog standard keys and pressing them individually or you got some key macro/recorder set up?
I'm just keen to know if its me being grumpy git cos I cant do it - I'll admit to leaving servers in frustration as to what I see as impossible moves in the base game/config with no special keyboard/software.
Leading Aircraftman
11 Posts
Enlisted On: 22.07.2017

14.08.2017, 11:03 

Yeah, I have a keyboard capable of macros/key bindings etc but binding all those actions to one key is, to me, cheating. In the old days, seatswitching wasn't allowed and you would get kicked for it but nowadays it seems the norm. Just unnatural for choppers to be able to shoot down jets with those fly-by-wire missiles if theres only a pilot.

I believe I play pretty fairly, don't fly near the carrier when Chinese etc and try and give ppl a chance.... when USA I don't shoot choppers whch have literally just taken off from the pad as I believe that's not much different from Pad rape...
326 Posts
Enlisted On: 17.05.2017

13.08.2017, 21:09  Homepage

You dont need cheat programmes just a good keyboard or mouse with software that lets you make key bindings, - F1 and then 500 milliseconds (for example) then left mouse then 500 milliseconds then F2 etc all with one keystroke. I got one but i dont use it for that cos i think seatswitching is cheating.

Seatswitching is not the way the game was meant to be played, they fuck the game up for everyone, you cant have a good tank battle or a good fight over the most important flag with a seatswitcher on the server, no matter what team they are on.

The most memorable games i have had have been 1v1 or 2v2 or 3v3, kill, get killed, spawn, get back to where the action is, wash, rinse, repeat, but when a seatswitcher comes its all to fuck, they just sit up in the clouds and blow shit up, and when the map changes to an inantry map they have to leave cos seatswitching is all they got.

Mostly i switch servers when the seatswitchers arrive.
211 Posts
Enlisted On: 14.11.2016

13.08.2017, 17:17 

Get 1 of those Cheat Programs They Get away with on the OTHER servers !! Only Kidding !!
714 Posts
Enlisted On: 26.04.2017

[LS] Rangers
13.08.2017, 11:55 

PineappleJ wrote:

OK, from some of the stuff ive seen I refulse to believe that people are pressing F2, firing and clicking to aim, then pressing f1 and managing to hit a jet. Somethings not right - what am I missing?

Practice - and much more: enjoying choppers.
454 Posts
Enlisted On: 15.03.2017

11.08.2017, 20:24 

For instance, I can make popcorn!
(Auto resize: 226x500px, gif)

amused amused amused
Given By: S_h_a_r_k_93
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