Forum >> Banishment >> Ban Appeals » APPROVED: Persistent Rule Breaking
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962 Posts
Enlisted On: 17.11.2016

[LS] Rangers
17.04.2018, 20:46  Homepage

--=KAPHO3ABP=-- " You said ," do not understand in English, so I could not physically read what was written there, much less translate2. that's why I thought you coud not read our rules, Anyway, you will have to wait for a Staff officer to tell you when you will be unbanned.
Leading Aircraftman
9 Posts
Enlisted On: 08.04.2018

19.04.2018, 08:57 

Hi Josto. it's true, I don't understand English. in our correspondence every time my friend zolotoy helps me. by the way Hello ). waiting for unban.
962 Posts
Enlisted On: 17.11.2016

[LS] Rangers
19.04.2018, 08:59  Homepage

Just be patient, it takes time for people to be unbanned
Leading Aircraftman
9 Posts
Enlisted On: 08.04.2018

19.04.2018, 09:04 

понял. что ж поделать. будем ждать. сам виноват.
Leading Aircraftman
9 Posts
Enlisted On: 08.04.2018

19.04.2018, 09:05 

Understood. what can you do. we wait. my fault.
2085 Posts
Enlisted On: 30.01.2016

[LS] Rangers
21.04.2018, 15:11 

Ban removed, i didn't mean to leave you waiting so long but for future reference for you and anyone else who feels the ban-hammer, asking again will not make it happen any quicker!
Leading Aircraftman
9 Posts
Enlisted On: 08.04.2018

22.04.2018, 10:09 

Thank you so much
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