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Senior Aircraftman (Technician)
83 Posts
Enlisted On: 10.06.2017

12.01.2019, 13:37 

weekends are going well, maybe add devils and levi for one weekend and see what happens?
maybe wait for more players and try it later? if its not working out you take them out again and restart server.

no please dont change the timer. if the rounds take time then its good fight with lots of flagchange and battle.
it sux to lose a round because time runs out and tickets are 50:100 but you are about to win and bleed the 100enemy tickets.
5375 Posts
Enlisted On: 31.01.2016

[LS] Rangers
12.01.2019, 13:51  Homepage

That is correct, I always pay attention to the ticket bleed, it can get crucial to win the match at times. Well, as I said the discussion must be held on the Forum, with everybody. So if this person is not going to bother to come here and discuss it with all of us (telling us why 45 minutes would work better than 60 minutes for everyone, not just for him/her), then we are not going to bother about discussing it.

For the people who are reading from this page, we are discussing whether to add or not the missing 2 night maps: Leviathan and Devil's Perch; and also if Iron Gator deserves to occur two times in the rotation or not (current rotation here, we also discussed Iron Gator on the prev. page too).

Kind regards and thank you very much for the feedback!
Staff Officer Italy S_h_a_r_k_93
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458 Posts
Enlisted On: 12.10.2016

[LS] Rangers
13.01.2019, 19:19 

So i personally like Leviathan, and I know from others that they like it too and would like to play it. Its never worse than night flight at all. Definitely put Iron Gotor in a second time, I cant see a reason why we should play Ghost town twice but Iron Gator only once.
Junior Technician
106 Posts
Enlisted On: 06.12.2018

19.01.2019, 16:53 

Yeah, lets try playing leviathan please.
Senior Aircraftman (Technician)
83 Posts
Enlisted On: 10.06.2017

19.01.2019, 17:07 

carbon wrote:

I cant see a reason why we should play Ghost town twice

because warlord and ghost town are most popular maps in sf. the last active servers were ghost and/or warlord only servers.

carbon wrote:

Its never worse than night flight at all

night flight is simple map with 5 flags, no tanks(except weak apc), no helis just cars and inf.
leviathan has everything and its easy to lock down mec in mainbase if US has players that know how to use tank and heli. Mecs start with transporst heli, mobile aa and apc only. US has everything. levi has 8 flags.

but ok, maybe change night flight with levi.
458 Posts
Enlisted On: 12.10.2016

[LS] Rangers
20.01.2019, 01:00 

I mean, we could do a 32 player size levi map, that was my initial suggestion to Shark. Ghost town has everything too and can be very annoying as well if you have a weak team against a strong one.
Iron gator is at least same popular as Ghost Town, most players like the map.
And I wouldnt exchange Levi with Night flight, but simply add it. The new rotation i would suggest is:

Ghost town
Iron Gator
Mass destruction
Night flight
Ghost town
Iron Gator
Senior Aircraftman (Technician)
83 Posts
Enlisted On: 10.06.2017

20.01.2019, 10:20 

carbon wrote:

Ghost town has everything too and can be very annoying as well if you have a weak team against a strong one.

yea but ghost is not a nightmap that makes people leave. please dont skip it next time, ty.

Ghost town
Iron Gator
Mass destruction
Night flight
Ghost town
Iron Gator


how about raising the commander/player threshold or you guys like playing with commander in 7vs7?
458 Posts
Enlisted On: 12.10.2016

[LS] Rangers
20.01.2019, 10:32 

I got asked to play iron gator thats why i switched. And after iron i tried to switch back, but that wasnt possible because ghost is in rotation twice and there was an error because of that, im sorry

Regarding commander i would agree, what is your treshold suggestion?
Given By: dsghsdf
5375 Posts
Enlisted On: 31.01.2016

[LS] Rangers
20.01.2019, 13:40  Homepage

Right now it's set to 24 so yeah, 7 VS 7 (ideally one full squad plus the commander). It's pretty standard on all our 64-size servers - so not the Infantry server - albeit on Special Forces there's a player cap of 48 last time I checked.

The proposed map rotation seems good. We may try it very soon; although Iron Gator sometimes is a good one, other times it makes people leave (more rarely ... it depends on who is playing I guess).

Staff Officer Italy S_h_a_r_k_93
  All my contacts, social media and more!
Senior Aircraftman (Technician)
83 Posts
Enlisted On: 10.06.2017

20.01.2019, 16:37 

what is your treshold suggestion?

player cap of 48

hmm, set threshold to 49?
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