MultimediaThe Trump Topic - It's Gonna Be... Fantastic!

05.02.2017, 15:08 - StarLine - Administrator - 2085 Posts
I won't post this in the "Funny / Comical Non-Gaming Videos" Topic because it deserves its own!

Every now and then, this small country has a moment of brilliance. This was certainly one of them!

If you haven't seen this already you are very late to the party!



05.02.2017, 15:46 - S_h_a_r_k_93 - Administrator - 5399 Posts

[url=][bimg][/bimg][/url]   [size=4]All my contacts, social media and more!    [/size][size=5][url=][/url][/size]

08.03.2017, 20:21 - Galactic|Pegasus - Chief Technician - 861 Posts
Shall we have a Community Meeting at the Ponypark Slagharen ? And grab them by the Ponies tongue
14.04.2017, 03:22 - StarLine - Administrator - 2085 Posts
Galactic|Pegasus wrote:

Shall we have a Community Meeting at the Ponypark Slagharen ? And grab them by the Ponies tongue

I'm sure there are many other great Trump Videos to be shared both now and in the future so this is now a Sticky Topic.

Here's another one to get the ball rolling:


12.06.2017, 12:41 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts
I really thought the C.I.A. would have had Trump assasinated long before now.


13.06.2017, 23:28 - ClintS - Junior Technician - 106 Posts
Trumps a savage!
The pressure on him is getting pretty heavy ... now that hes got several processes and everybody is freaking out anyway.
Feels like all the stuff is getting really uncontrollable.
08.07.2018, 09:26 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts


20.07.2018, 17:15 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts


22.08.2018, 10:58 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts
<iframe width="..."></iframe>


22.08.2018, 12:16 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts
I tried to embed a Video from CNN where they say Cohen now thinks Trump is a danger for the US and essentialy called him a crook.


22.08.2018, 18:46 - S_h_a_r_k_93 - Administrator - 5399 Posts
HTML isn't enabled on our Forums, just put a link to the webpage.

Staff Officer Italy S_h_a_r_k_93 

[url=][bimg][/bimg][/url]   [size=4]All my contacts, social media and more!    [/size][size=5][url=][/url][/size]

13.02.2019, 17:44 - Dix9 - Senior Aircraftman (Technician) - 87 Posts
Lets Go .....
29.09.2019, 09:58 - McSlaine - Corporal - 326 Posts
