Report Cheaters / Problem PlayersOPEN: ricardocalixto37 - Persistent Rule Breaking

10.02.2017, 19:34 - jostotest - Administrator - 962 Posts
Kicked this guy about 7or 8 times for base rape all the time, just would not go away, I wouild like to request a short benn plse.

10.02.2017, 19:39 - Galactic|Pegasus - Chief Technician - 861 Posts
Yep, that´s true. You kicked him not only Today...
11.02.2017, 07:42 - StarLine - Administrator - 2085 Posts
Thanks for reporting, can be TimeBanned by whoever catches him next.


11.02.2017, 07:59 - jostotest - Administrator - 962 Posts
Thanks 5tar