Report Cheaters / Problem PlayersBANNED: 3.1415926535897932 - Cheating

27.03.2020, 20:48 - Galactic|Pegasus - Chief Technician - 861 Posts
His accuracy went up from 25 to 48% in only 2 or 3 rounds...
>> BF2Hub Account >> Battlerecorder Demo
(Auto resize: 619x1155px, png)

27.03.2020, 21:06 - S_h_a_r_k_93 - Administrator - 5399 Posts
Thanks. OK He's from France.

EDIT: I had the wrong IP, he is from Spain. Connected with different alt. already reported by a fellow Ranger for being a known cheater and server crasher from Spain: MeruIa

[url=][bimg][/bimg][/url]   [size=4]All my contacts, social media and more!    [/size][size=5][url=][/url][/size]